Lactation Intensive Workshop for Birth and Health Professionals
Presented by: Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC, RLC

Luna Lactation is working hard to make this course available online. Stay tuned for more details!
Workshop Description: A two-day intensive workshop designed for birth professionals and those involved in the maternal-infant health community. The course is designed to update and enrich the professional’s understanding of lactation issues and provide strategies useful in assisting the breastfeeding dyad. Topics to be covered include: lactation concerns in pregnancy/birth/early postpartum, new thoughts on positioning and latch, milk supply and supplementation issues, nipple pain, holistic lactation care ideas, gut and digestive health, tongue/lip tie, structural/respiratory issues that impact feeding and more. This workshop will present the most current updates in the field of lactation, allow time for case study review and provide attendees with ample resources that they can apply to their own practice. We hope you will consider joining us for an exciting and enriching weekend!
Participant Testimonial: “This workshop was perfectly balanced! Thank you infinitely for this workshop. My lactation knowledge has been dramatically enhanced. I feel confident about sharing new information with clients as well as holding better space to hear the ‘whole story’, with new communication tools.”
The presenter, Melissa Cole, is a well-respected lactation consultant and clinical instructor in the Portland area. One of Melissa’s goals is to increase the standard of lactation care amongst allied health care providers and foster awareness regarding key clinical issues.
Light snacks provided both days. Class size will be kept small so please register early.
Note: 10 L-CERPS will be applied for from IBLCE. Many professional organizations accept IBLCE CEUs. In the past chiropractors, naturopaths, midwives, etc have been able to use our IBLCE-granted CEUs. Please check with your organization to see if you can count IBLCE CEUs towards your own continuing education credits and let us know if you have any questions.
Dates: TBD – Check back for a virtual option soon, and in-person dates in the future
Cost: $325 USD, early bird $300 USD, IBLCE CERPS included, 10-L hours
Location: TBD
Cancellation and Refund Policy – A full refund (minus paypal fees) will be provided if cancellation is requested before 30 days of the event. If you need to cancel your registration within 14-30 days of the event, we will refund you 50% of your registration. Refunds will not be provided if cancellation occurs 0-14 prior to the event. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact us ASAP to discuss options.
If the workshop has been cancelled or rescheduled due to COVID-19, no refund can be issued at this time. A future class credit will be offered, and some classes will be offered in online formats in the future.
Families and Babies – We are committed to providing a conducive learning environment for all attendees. Quiet infants in arms and non-separating children are welcome. Please be respectful to other attendees and step out of the room to meet your child’s needs if noise is a concern. Most workshop locations have a separate space for parenting/milk expression needs, please ask us if you need certain accommodations.